Turf laying is in style among gardeners and landscape designers. If you are looking to join this popular trend, browsing online for an hour is all that’s needed for you to find good products at the right price. Even though it’s so easy, there are a few points to consider for obtaining the right type of turf for your climate and soil. In this article, we will give a number of tips that may help you pick the best product, which will make your turf laying produce the best results. The very first aspect to consider for successful turf laying in the soil that the grass was sowed into. Soils vary in the ratio of clay, silt, and sand in them. These factors have an effect on the soil’s texture, making it light or heavy. Sandy soils are lighter and hold less water. Clay and silt soils are heavier and hold more water. The type of soil affects aeration, watering, and other maintenance techniques. For instance, light soils do not require aeration as often as heavier types. It is important to ensure that the soil for turf laying matches the soil in your garden. So, prior to purchasing, be sure to ask the retailer if their soil matches yours by the content of sand, silt, and clay.

The next aspect that is important for proper turf laying is the grass that was sowed into the soil. There are over 10,000 grass species in the world, and each of them has specific properties. Some grasses are softer, while others create a denser layer. Some grasses are best for sunny areas, while others prefer shade. Some grasses need a lot of moisture, while others can withstand droughts. Choosing the right grass mixture will ensure that you get the desired effect from the turf laying in your garden. Whichever species you choose, ensure that the grass has thick and healthy swards rather than thin and weak ones. Also, check for any weeds, diseases, and pests

Turf laying commonly uses meadow turf, sea-washed, or commercially produced turf. Meadow turf is taken from agricultural grasslands; it holds coarse agricultural species; it is cheaper and lower in quality. Sea washed turf usually has fine grass species and a high ratio of silt; it is more expensive and higher in quality. Commercially produced turf is subdivided into mature and custom-grown. Mature turf has a specified quality and species; it has been treated for weeds, diseases, and pests; it has a medium cost. Custom grown turf is when the species are specified by the client; it has been treated for weeds, diseases, and pests; it has a higher cost.

Paying attention to all of the above will ensure that your turf laying is successful and brings the best results.